Meet the Expert Sports Massage & Structural Integration Specialist Joshua Mack

Joshua Mack moves from one basic and fundamental ideology, “Choose a Craft in which you may be of service to others, do it with integrity, and do it better than anyone else.”  This is reflected in the quality of his work, as well as the caliber of clientele who seek out his expertise. He has long been recognized as the “go-to guy” amongst Olympic, Paralympic, and Professional Athletes.

Weekend Warriors, Police, Fire, Special Forces, ...even Dolphin and Orca Trainers seek out Joshua's work. As a respected expert in Deep Tissue, Structural Integration, Sports Massage and Energywork, Joshua delivers the highest quality bodywork available anywhere. People who use their bodies for a living know and trust Joshua Mack to keep them injury free and performing at their best.

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20% OFF First Responders & Military

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Today, Hands On Wellness Sports Massage and Recovery provides the absolute highest caliber of meticulously custom-crafted bodywork and recovery methodologies to extraordinary people from all walks of life!  You don’t have to be a World Class Athlete to take advantage of the expertise that comes with over two decades of experience! We work with everyone…give us a call and let’s see how we can help you!

Craft Bodywork

Craft Bodywork

For the discerning bodywork connoisseur. This masterfully crafted bodywork is in a league all its own.

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Sports Massage & Structural Integration

Sports Massage & Structural Integration

Through a series of focused, interactive techniques, we will work together to lengthen, stretch, and soften this tissue to restore postural balance, efficiency of movement, and a renewed feeling of comfort and ease in your body, allowing you to achieve optimal performance.

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Sound Healing

Sound Healing

There is nothing subtle about this sound. You Will Feel It reverberating throughout your entire being. The sound encapsulates the challenged area, and creates an energetic jack-hammer of sorts, oscillating with a gentle relentlessness until it breaks apart and disperses the blockage that formerly resided in the recipient’s body.

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This gentle, non-invasive technique produces powerful and efficient results in reducing joint pain, realigning skeletal structure, reducing muscle tension and inflammation, headaches, menstrual cramping, and expedites recovery from injuries, burns, and more.

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Epic Offers

Gold Package
% 20 OFF
Commit to 4+
sessions of your
choice per month
and receive
20% OFF
Silver Package
% 10 OFF
Commit to TWO
sessions of your
choice per month
and receive
10% OFF
Bronze Package
% 5 OFF
Commit to ONE
session of your
choice per month
and receive
5% OFF

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